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District Curriculum

Pequannock Township School District utilizes an online platform, EduPlanet, to house our curriculum.  Our approach to writing curriculum is to use the Understanding by Design framework, which is a backwards design process that ensures that all learning goals and lesson activities align to the larger vision for each content area.  All our curriculum is aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. .

PTSD is required to include the NJDOE legislative mandates into all K-12 curriculum guides.

Specific questions regarding the content, resources, or assessments taught in your child's classroom should first be directed to the classroom teacher. 

If questions remain, please contact Mrs. Ann Marie VanSickle, Director of Curriculum & Instruction.  

To access the the Curriculum Blueprint in EduPlanet, click here


Understanding the Format of Courses in the Blueprint: 

  • Summary of Learning provides a description and rationale for the course. 
  • Unit Focus provides a description of the individual unit. 
  • Standards (Established Goals) include the New Jersey Student Learning Standards exactly as they appear in the NJDOE mandated document. No modifications can occur to the NJSLS. 
  • Long-Term Transfer Goals are goals for students to independently demonstrate repeatedly and over time. These goals are the 0ver-arching goals for the course. 
  • Understandings are nuances that students will come to understand throughout the course and over time. These understandings may come to students at different times.
  • Essential Questions are those questions that provoke deeper learning and discovery. They provoke questions and have no correct or singular answer. By using methods of inquiry, students will seek their own answers to these questions.
  • Knowledge is the facts and background information students must know in order to develop an understanding of the topic.
  • Skills are the tools and abilities we want students to develop in order to demonstrate and express their understanding of the topic.